Home Wares 3

Ashtead Potters Fruit Bowl T7
19cms wide finished in powder blue glaze (f). This has the square date code of 1930/1?
Ashtead Potters sales cards
The travelling salesmen had a pack of small cards listing the various items for sale. These listed the sizes, colours, decorated finishes and prices available for each item produced. There was also a larger more comprehensive catalogue which had photographs of a selection of the current wares. The examples above are near original size, however, due to being copies of copies of copies, they have lost some of the original detail.

Ashtead Potters Coffee Pot X32 and Mug C10
A one serving pot, there should also be a hot water jug with handle/spout on the opposite side (i.e. left handed). The water jug does not have the filter holes in the lid. These pots often appear for sale as left or right handed jugs minus their lids. It is not thought that two pieces formed part of a set. Both finished in buff glaze (t), the pot stands 11cms tall.

A part tea set from the “Ashtead” range
5 side plates F45, 1 large plate F46, Sugar bowl F36, Jug F41(note that a teapot from this service has also been seen marked as F41) 2 Cups F15 and 5 Saucers F5.
This collection came to light when clearing out a barn at the family home in Austria!
(The pictures were kindly submitted by Mrs Doris Reisner).

Ashtead Potters pot X35
Beautifully decorated with parrots. The decoration code is “dec”. The pots are quite small, measuring 12 cms by 9 cms tall.
(photograph courtesy of Rita Short)

The model number of this bowl is unknown, the decoration code is “bb”.
Ashtead Potters Jam Pot X13
The more common combination of hoops. The decoration code is “bf”. This is the 6 band size at 13 cms tall.
(Picture courtesy of Paul Morris)

Ashtead Potters Jam Pot X5
A more unusual combination of hoops. The decoration code is “hh”. This is the tallest jam pot (2lb jar size) at 20 cms tall.
(Picture courtesy of Jane Hodson)
A geometric pattern bowl, this one carries an early mark and is thought to have been made for the Wembley exhibition.
Ashtead Pottery plates

Flowers decoration code "?"

Castle and windmill code "?"

Rabbits and acorn "cj"

Palm "dt"

Trees "ep"

Viking Ship "cn"?