Figures and Models

Model M2 - Wembley "Lion of Industry"

Model M5 - "Posy"
Anne Acheson was born in Portadown, County Armagh, and was educated at Victoria College, Belfast, Belfast School of Art and the Royal College of Art, London. She studied sculpture under Lanteri and exhibited at the Royal Academy and internationally. She was awarded the CBE in 1919. She lived in London and Glenavy, County Antrim.
This Posy was decorated by William Robertson.

Model M15 - "Shy"
This is one of the largest figures produced by Ashtead standing nearly 40 cms tall. It carries the embossed mark of the designer “Phoebe Stabler”. The model on the left is finished in “k” Pearl Barley glaze. This particular piece was original owned by General and Lady Furse before passing to the family of it’s present owners.
(photo kindly supplied by S. Munday)

Model M15 - "Shy"
(photo courtesy of Peter Conway)

Model M20 - "Owl" (cruet)

Model M24 "Bachus"
(photographs courtesy of Anne Lemon Decorative Arts)

Model M27 - "Beau Brummel"

Model M30 - "Girl with posy"
(photo courtesy of decarts)

Model M33

Model M34 - "Madonna with child"
Also produced by the Doulton and Poole factories as “Sleep”.

Model M37 - "Eastern Lady"
This model has been seen with a variety of floral motifs on the kimono. The motifs are usually in a mix blue, green or yellow. There is an example of the “Eastern Lady” (with a differently painted kimono to this one) in the Victoria & Albert Museum, London.

Model M38 - "Child in striped dress"

Model M39 - "Child with flowers"
(photo courtesy of Peter Conway)

Model M41 - Face Plaque

Model M47

Model M48 "Mischief" and Bowl B60
Another of the figures for Ashtead by Phoebe Stabler, this one stands 20 cms tall. “Mischief” should usually be complete with its matching bowl / stand B60. The set shown in the picture do not appear to be an absolute match, as the bowl and model are in slightly different glaze finishes. There is a “Mischief” in the collection at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London.
(photographs courtesy of Lynn Davies)

Model M49 "Buster Girl"
(photo courtesy of Peter Conway)

Model M51 - "Buster Boy"

Model M?
(photograph © Ewbank Fine Art Auctioneers)

Model M57 - "Ypres Lion"

Model M58

Model M61 - Candlestick
(photographs courtesy of Frazer Barnes -Sunburst Decorative Arts)

Model M72 - "Corn Girl or Reaper"

Model M73 - "Harvest Putti with Pidgeons" Bookend

Model M76 - "Female nude, bobbed hair on pedestal"
(photo courtesy of Peter Conway)

Model M77 - "Polar Bear"

Model M77 - "Polar Bear"

Model M81 - Bookends
(many thanks to Andy Carter for this picture)

Model M84 - "Akela"
Donald Gilbert (1900-1961) was a sculptor and artist. He had studied at the Birmingham Central School of Art, the Royal College of Art and the Royal Academy. His works include busts of John Logie Baird (on display in the National Portrait Gallery, London) and Edward Elgar at the Guildhall, Worcester. He also designed many wares for the Denby pottery.
(photograph reproduced with permission)

Model M85 - "Kaa"
(photograph reproduced with permission)

Model M86 - "Mowgli"
(photograph reproduced with permission)

Model M95 - "Fantail Pidgeon" Bookend

Model M96 - "Leaping Goat"

Model M102 - "Cat"

Model M102 - "Polar Bear"
(photo courtesy of Peter Conway)

Model M103 - "Spring"
Joan Pyman was sculptor from the Hampstead area of London. She exhibited at the Royal Academy. There is also a companion to this entitled “Summer” and another figure entitled “Crowned Madonna and Child”.

M105 - "Mimi"
(photo courtesy Meridian Gallery)