The “Christopher Robin Nursery Set” Pieces 13 – 24

Piece 13 of 14
Eggcup, “Little Black Hen” from the poem of the same name. “Now we are Six”.
Piece 14 of 24
Large Plate, “I do like a bit of butter to my bread” from “The Kings breakfast” “When we were very young”.

Piece 15 of 24
Bowl, quotations from the poem “Nursery Chairs” from “When we were very young”.
Piece 16 of 24
Side Plate, “Four days later, there was Pooh” to be found in “Piglet was surrounded by water” from the “Winnie the Pooh” stories.

Piece 17 of 24
Large Plate, “Cherry Stones” from “Now we are Six”.
Piece 18 of 24
Childs Bowl, depicting “Us two” from “Now we are Six”.
We do not currently have a picture of piece 18 or 19. Can you help?

Piece 20 of 24
Porringer, depicting characters from “The four friends” and other poems in both “Now we are Six” and When we were very young”.
Piece 21 of 24
Small lidded bowl, on the opposite side is the quote “you’ve all got tails like me” taken from the poem “In a fashion”. This is in the book “Now we are Six”.

Piece 22 of 24
Small lidded preserve dish, with illustration of Pooh and Christopher Robin.
Piece 23 of 24
Small sugar bowl, with illustrations of Piglet from the Winnie the Pooh Books.

Piece 24 of 24
Saucer, scenes from the poem “The Engineer” from “Now we are Six”. Goes with cup number 4 of the set.
Not part of the “Christopher Robin” set
A couple of things have turned up on eBay that are original Ashtead pieces but with later decoration. Although they carry characters from the AA Milne stories, they are not part of the “Christopher Robin” set. The style of the illustrations suggest that they have been modelled on Disney’s interpretation of Milne. Disney did not acquire the rights to the books until the early 1960’s, so you can work out when these pieces were decorated.

The jug is an ordinary J12 jug and the plate a standard P11, both in buff (t) glaze.
As “Pooh” and “Christopher Robin” are so collectable it is easy to see why someone may have a go at trying to pass these off as genuine, but buyers should be very wary. They are no more than novelties.
The vendors of both of these items acted in good faith when offering the pieces. They have agreed to these pictures being used to help others from being caught out.