The “Christopher Robin Nursery Set” Pieces 1 – 12

Ashtead Potters made a series of 24 pieces for the Christopher Robin Nursery set. These show scenes from AA Milne’s children’s books with illustrations by EH Sheppard. Because of the connection with “Winnie the Pooh” the pieces from this set are now highly sought after. The original hand painted set was presented to the Duke and Duchess of York (later King George V1)on a tour of the factory in 1928, with a second set being given to the original “Christopher Robin”, Christopher Robin Milne.
Piece 1 of 24
“Independence” and “Puppy and I” from the book “When we were very young”. A little mug about 9 cms tall.

Piece 2 of 24
Lidded Mug – “Cos it had a label on, saying HUNNY.” from “Piglet meets a Heffalump”,with the lid being “The Friend” from “Now we are Six”.
(photographs courtesy of Anna Deagle)
Piece 3 of 24
“Round about” from the poem “Busy” taken from “Now we are Six”.

Piece 4 of 24
“The Engineer” from “Now we are Six”.
Piece 5 of 24
Saucer, from the poem “Busy” “Now we are Six”.
At present we do not have a picture of piece number 6, a large Teapot – Can you help?

Piece 7of 24
Small Teapot, “Solitude” from “Now we are Six”.
Piece 8 of 24
Small Bowl, “Pooh goes visiting and gets into a tight place” from the book “Winnie the Pooh”.

Piece 9 of 24
Sugar Bowl, “Twice Times” from the poem of the same name in the book “Now we are Six”.
Piece 10 of 24
Small Jug, “Christopher Robin” The jug is of the “Liverpool” pattern.

Piece 11 of 24
Medium Jug, “Emmeline” and “That’s what I’m doing – Newting” from the poems ” Down by the pond” and “Before Tea” from the books “When we were very young” and “Now we are Six”. The jug is of the “Liverpool” pattern.
Piece 12 of 24
Large Jug, “No I mean goats”, “Knight in Armour” from the poems “, “When it’s done carry one” from the poems “The Old Sailor”, “Knight in Armour”, “The Emperors Rhyme-books” in the book “Now we are Six”. The jug is of the “Liverpool” pattern.